It is the SMALL victories that can make all of the difference. After multiple transfusions last week and even one on Saturday, I was pretty discouraged and honestly felt really crummy! But, today has been a little brighter ... the nurse called and I get THREE days off of transfusions! The counts are still really low and I have to stay safe at home (mostly in my room), but get to wait until AFTER Kate's birthday on Wednesday for a transfusion.
If you are praying, please pray for the results of an MRI I am having on Thursday ... it will give us a beat on how the radiation affected the tumors. Super nervous to go have the MRI, not going to lie. But, praying for stopped growth!
Thanks for being so sweet, generous, encouraging and kind ... every note, gift, text and kindness lifts us up! I am so sorry I am so slow to get back sometimes, but please know we are so very thankful!
PS I posted the butterflies because, last week, while having a transfusion, I had a room with a window. In the window was a tree with beautiful Monarch butterflies. Watching them got me through nine hours of being lonely. This photo doesn't capture their beauty. I was too far away and couldn't move ... but they were gorgeous ...
